Main Reasons to Switch to Bamboo Diapers

Though generic disposable diapers have been in the game for long enough, not everyone was as aware of their harmful after-effects as they are now. With recent intervention, a lot of toxic chemicals and their harmful effects have been brought to light. At the same time, their healthier and greener alternatives have been in full swing in delivering nothing short of excellence.

The most popular alternative for generic disposable diapers is bamboo diapers which are not only known for their near to nature feel on the toddler’s skin but also because of the ability to dramatically decrease the carbon footprint that we leave behind. 

Bamboo diapers help the environment:

While this might seem obvious, it is quite essential to know how bamboo diapers can help the environment in comparison to their generic disposable diapers. For starters, bamboo is a naturally organic fiber. To top up that, it is a hundred percent biodegradable.

That’s the real catch as compared to the five hundred years that the generic diaper takes to decompose, it only takes seventy-five days for the rash free diapers to decompose. Also, interestingly, bamboo releases 30% more oxygen as compared to other trees of equal mass. An excellent source for the absorption of greenhouse gases, they produce a staggering amount of clean, fresh oxygen.

So just a small switch to bamboo diapers can dramatically change the carbon footprints that we leave behind. Also, bamboo crops help enrich the soil and are among one of the fastest-growing plants in the world. Also, these plants are easily cultivated without the aid of additional chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers.

With so many advantages to back up, there’s no reason as to why you shouldn’t opt for bamboo diapers instead of generic ones.

Perfect for your baby’s soft sensitive skin.

Bamboo fabric is also referred to as “artificial silk”. The reason behind the name stands for the fact that this fibre is incredibly soft and gentle. Also, the diapers made out of bamboo are naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial and help eliminate odour-causing bacteria. These properties are quite rare when put in comparison to generic disposable diapers.

To add more credits, the bamboo diapers are also naturally hypoallergenic which means that they are most suitable for the most sensitive areas of the baby. It also reduces the appearance of diapers rashes. These diapers require fewer layers of material, and hence offer a trimmer fit with a comparatively more breathable fabric.    This prevents sagging, irritation, leakage, and rashes.

Know what’s inside your toddler’s diapers:

As parents, we thoroughly check out every ingredient of the eatables that our kid consumes. Then why leave behind checking out for the ingredients of the diapers. Diapers come in close contact with the most sensitive part of the baby for years. And hence the kid is susceptible to acquiring life-threatening conditions promoted by toxic chemicals like phthalates, dyes, and so on, which can easily be found in generic disposable diapers.

The bamboo diapers on the other hand are fully organic, tender on the baby’s sensitive skin, and do not contain any form of harmful carcinogens like polymers, plastics, perfumes, dioxins, and harmful synthetic intrusions.

Mostly made from organic corn and bamboo pulp, the bamboo diapers are known to provide a cushiony softness to your baby’s bottom, all the while keeping them dry and rash-free. There are also daytime and nighttime diapers that can be used accordingly.

The difference between these two diapers is that of absorbency. The nighttime diapers are mostly bulky and more absorbent. The bamboo diapers are naturally highly absorbent and coupled up with a thicker nighttime diaper would simply mean that you and your baby can now steal away some more hours of good sleep.

Magha Nakshatra – Basic Information, Characterisitics & Career Options

According to the Indian astrology and the beliefs surrounding them, the Magha nakshatra is important. The Magha nakshatra corresponds to the star Regulus. The ruling planet for this nakshatra is Ketu and it expands its span through the constellations of Leo and Virgo. Magha Nakshatra is symbolized by a throne which is depictive of the fact that the native will have a very high social status and shall garner immense respect making their place an indomitable one in the social hierarchy.  The unmatched power gives a sense of domination and an authoritative status.

Basic information regarding the Magha birth star.

Magha means big or grand and as the name suggests it imparts to its natives by birth a high status of royalty and respect. It also ensures that the highest positions are granted into their individual lives. The Magha nakshatra stands as the symbol of authoritative status, domination and very high social respect. The individuals belonging to this nakshatra are considered to be immensely successful leaders in their respective fields.

Instead of being ruled by Devatas as mostly is the case by various nakshatras,  Magha nakshatra is ruled by Pitra. This is one of the reasons as to why natives belonging to this nakshatra are so strongly inclined towards their ancestral beliefs and traditions. Also, since the nakshatra is controlled by daemons it isn’t uncommon for the person to find himself immersed in the materialistic pleasures of the world. There is a direct uncanny connection to one’s past and their ancestor’s past deeds.

General characteristics of Magha Nakshatra

The individuals of this nakshatra have prominently good physical attributes. The physically charming appearance is one of their conspicuous personality traits. Males are usually short in height and have a furry appearance whereas females are attractive with long cascades of hair. There are also other specific personality traits which include enterprising nature, unmatched righteousness and thoughtful interaction with people in dire need.

Individuals belonging to this nakshatra possess some commendable behavioural characteristics of love, appreciation and care towards others feelings. They are overly watchful and ever concerned about how they behave with others. They also take immense caution as to not hurt anyone with their actions in any way. They are honest at apologizing and will always try to rectify the problem caused by them. At the same time, they dislike any sort of hindrance from others in their work. Due to such staunch characteristics, they often make a lot of enemies in their lives.

The Magha nakshatra person is very respectful towards their elders and is very traditional. They deeply follow their forefather’s teachings and try to abide by those strictly. They are mostly religious and are extremely immersed in their faith. Adding to these positive traits, they are inclined towards the arts. They also master it easily with practice. They have a very careful approach towards life and also try to enjoy life most at the same time. They have immensely empathetic behaviour and are positive with their vibes.

The negative aspects of this nakshatra involve a sense of pride among the individuals. They often end up being overconfident while holding an immensely powerful position. The availability of power makes them prone to imposing their decisions on others without much consideration. This attitude may cause resentment in some people about them.

Career Options for Magha Nakshatra Born People

The people of this nakshatra are characterized by their devotion towards their tireless working nature and diligence.  Owing to their hard work, they usually enjoy a very good position in their professional life and also have a healthier lifestyle. Due to their straightforward attitude and attics, business generally is never in their career interests. Their decision taken professionally are often very apt and technical. Their classy way of interaction with their colleagues is very polite and sensible, hence creating harmony and harbouring the teamwork towards the set goals. They prefer working independently and hence they may be often noticed switching their jobs.  

Magha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

These people generally enjoy a compatible, happy and harmonious married life. The compatible nakshatras are generally Ashwini, Mrigashirsha and Ashlesha. The incompatible nakshatra is Chitra.